Thursday, September 11, 2008


The blame for my lack of new material here can be placed squarely on the abundance of material that I'm tackling at work. I even worked on a Sunday for Christ's sake (pun optional)! Tomorrow is my last day at T-Mobile, and in an act of masochistic ambition, I agreed to present a great deal of work, including a presentation of everything that I've done over the course of my internship, and the culmination of my personal project, which has involved fashioning up some intricate prototypes.

This has been an incredible internship - I've made friends, gotten paid to take classes in 3D Modeling, learned how to use a 3D Printer, and spent four days in New York essentially just roaming about and partying. Not to mention that Seattle is pretty nice, too.

I'm trying to decide whether to fly or drive to join Evan in Kansas to help rebuild some homes for Tornado victims. I really don't know if I'm ready for another cross-country drive. I am ready to move into my nice, new apartment in Cincy, though...and I wan't to get the rest of this damn schooling out of the way. I should probably register for some classes first...

I participated in a free poker tournament last night. This served two purposes. One, it reminded me how much I like playing poker. Two, it reminded me how god-awful I am at it. You just can't go to one of these things without running into some asshole who actually knows what he's doing.

It's just about midnight now. Here's to the weekend.

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